The Student Health Services provides full laboratory services, available Monday – Friday from 8:00 a.m. – 2:30p.m., unless otherwise posted.
Except as otherwise approved by Student Health Services, all diagnostic testing must be obtained through the Student Health Services for coverage.
Diagnostic tests ordered by a physician within Student Health Services may be obtained through Student Health Services. If a physician outside of Student Health Services orders laboratory testing, the student should submit the requisition/order to Student Health Service for approval and processing.
Covered dependent children are not eligible to utilize Student Health Services and should obtain an order for diagnostic tests from the PPCP and such order should be submitted to Student Health Service for approval and processing.
Looking for your lab results?
For diagnostic tests ordered by a physician within Student Health Services, students can obtain lab results by calling (314) 362-3523. For diagnostic tests ordered by a physician outside of Student Health Service, students can obtain lab results by calling the provider’s office directly.