Our clinical and counseling staffs work in conjunction with each student to address their most pressing health issues.

The Student Health Services benefit plan provides psychotherapy coverage for gender identity and associated co-morbid psychiatric diagnoses. The benefits are the same as any other outpatient mental health service.

Student Assistance Program (SAP) provides all enrolled students and their immediate family members limited, free-of-charge family therapy without referral.

Benefits include Medical Necessity treatment, persistent, well-documented gender dysphoria and when provided by an in-network provider.

  •  Hormone replacement therapy services appropriate to the individual’s gender identity, i.e., hormones of the desired gender;
  • Inpatient or outpatient mental health services connected with gender dysphoria;
  • Physician office services-same as any other covered service under the benefit.

If the covered person is eligible for benefits, the benefits are provided the same as any other eligible drug as describe in this plan.

Laboratory testing to monitor the safety of continuous hormone therapy. If the covered person is eligible for benefits, the benefits are the same as any other outpatient diagnostic service on the plan.

Personal Gender Pronouns and Chosen Names

We strive to honor the identities of students by using chosen pronouns and chosen names. Students can add or change their chosen name by notifying the office.

University Preferred Name Policy

Your legal name an sex assigned at birth are required, however, for certain medical documents.

Why does Student Health Services need my full, legal name?

Student Health Services (SHS) must have your legal name on all medical documents because they are legal documents.  SHS will have a place holder in your medical record for your preferred name.  We will need to identify you by your legal name on certain occasions during your visit but will use your preferred name when possible.  

 Why must my sex be used for medical visits instead of my gender identity?

A person’s birth sex is a primary state of anatomic or physiologic parameters.  Physiological change is different between the male and female sex.  Medical conditions between males and females are often different between the two sexes and may require different forms of treatment.  Some lab values are also reported differently between the sexes.  SHS will recognize your preferred gender but will use your sex for your legal medical document and treatments.