Required for new students

Student Health welcomes you. As part of your onboarding, your immunization records and history will be reviewed in relation to your program. All incoming students must provide written, authentic documentation, with legal name of the following:

  • Tuberculosis surveillance. Must have TWO step Tuberculin (TB) skin test or Interferon-Gamma Release Assays (IGRA) (T-Spot) or (QFT) 3 months prior to the deadline (or starting school).
  • MMR. Must supply written, authentic documentation of dates of vaccination OR laboratory evidence confirming immunity. Re-vaccinate for Equivocal titer.
    • Written, authentic documentation of 2 Measles/Mumps/Rubella or 2 doses of Measles vaccine, 2 doses of Mumps vaccine and 2 doses of Rubella vaccine OR serologic  proof of immunity for Measles, Mumps, and Rubella.
    •  If negative or indeterminate blood test results, must supply date of MMR or Measles (Rubeola) booster
    • Re-immunization 28 days apart.
  • Tdap (Tetanus, Diphtheria, Acelluar Pertussis) Vaccine
    • Written , authentic documentation of one dose of the adult Tdap vaccine in the past 10 years. 
  • Varicella. History of disease is not sufficient.
    • Written, authentic documentation of two doses of Varicella vaccine OR positive Varicella IgG antibody titer.
    • If you have a negative, indeterminate or equivocal titer, obtain two doses of vaccine at least 30 days apart.
    • If vaccinated, student must supply proof of vaccination dates for Varivax #1 and Varivax #2.
  • Hepatitis B Vaccine. Hepatitis B vaccine #1, #2, and #3 Those students who are in a hospital/clinic or patient care area, or who have direct contact with patients or research student participants. And at risk for exposure to blood, body fluids, contaminated sharps or human cell lines must be vaccinated or decline within 30 days of beginning school. (ONLY Required for medical, occupation therapy, physical therapy and audiology/communication programs)

    Hepatitis B Vaccine. Hepatitis B vaccine #1, #2, and #3
  • Hepatitis B surface Antibody Titer. Must supply copy of laboratory report with legal name. Required if completed series and enrolled in Medical, Occupation Therapy or Physical Therapy programs.
  • Student Health mandates that individuals first entering Washington University School of Medicine be immunized against and provide proof of immunity for the hepatitis B virus prior to enrollment. Since the hepatitis B vaccine program requires a series of three injections given over six months, students may have a full compliance period extended to six months after entry. However, they must have received at least their first hepatitis B vaccine prior to enrolling.

Recommended immunizations

We also recommend that students provide proof of immunization for the following, although these are not required to achieve mandatory immunization compliance:

  • COVID-19 Vaccine.The COVID-19 vaccine is included in the United States 2025 Recommended Adult Immunization Schedule for individuals aged 19 and older, as developed by the CDC ACIP and collaborating healthcare professional societies. The COVID-19 vaccine is recommended, but not required. While the WUSM campus no longer requires at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine, many clinical sites do require proof of full immunization with an FDA-authorized or approved COVID-19 vaccine, or an approved religious or medical exemption. For additional information see the COVID-19 Vaccination Policy.
  • Heptatitis A vaccine
  • Typhoid
  • Yellow Fever
  • Polio
  • Meningitis

Exemptions from immunizations

If the immunizations are contrary to your religious beliefs, you will need to sign  a vaccine declination statement in order to be considered for exemption. This is reviewed by Human Resource.

If immunizations are not advisable because of a medical condition, an official statement from a licensed medical doctor must be sent to Student Health for review.

Exemption form information

To request a medical or religious exemption, please fill out the appropriate form and return.

School of Medicine Student exemption forms: