Student Health Services provides coverage for hospitalization. Generally, hospitalization should be at Barnes-Jewish Hospital, Barnes-Jewish West County Hospital, or Missouri Baptist Medical Center. Professional care provided during hospitalization by Student Health Services staff or by physicians within the Student Health Services network, and pre-approved through Student Health Services, also will be covered.
All inpatient admissions, including length of stay, must be certified by Student Health Services three business days prior for planned admissions, or two business days following emergency admissions.
In the event of an emergency, the student, the student’s representative, the stduent’s physician, or the hospital should call Student Health Services. Certification does not guarantee the payment of benefits for inpatient admission. Each claim is subject to eligibility, benefits, and medical necessity review, and a review of adherence to notification guidelines in accordance with this booklet.
If the student is hospitalized somewhere other than at Barnes-Jewish Hospital, please authorize your physician to send a copy of your Discharge Summary to Student Health Services. Reports are required from all medical care providers before bills can be processed for payment.
If the student is hospitalized at Barnes-Jewish Hospital, Barnes-Jewish West County Hospital, or Missouri Baptist Medical Center, the student is responsible for a co-payment of $500 per hospital inpatient admission. Student Health Services will pay 100% of the remaining covered expenses.
If the student is hospitalized somewhere other than Barnes-Jewish Hospital, Barnes-Jewish West County Hospital, or Missouri Baptist Medical Center, Student Health Services will pay 80% of the reasonable and customary covered expenses.