There is no charge for you to see a medical caregiver at Student Health Services. If you need to see a provider or obtain services outside of Student Health Services, you will need a referral from Student Health Services.

Most medical care will be provided at no cost to you, except for applicable deductibles or co-pays, if:

  • care is provided by Student Health Services or
  • care is provided by a member of the Student Health Services network of participating physicians and the care is pre-approved by Student Health Services.

Student Health Services will only cover the costs of services obtained outside of Student Health Services if those services have been approved by and/or coordinated through Student Health Services.  This includes any laboratory testing, consultations, or procedures.

Student Health Services provides limited benefits while away from Washington University School of Medicine. Upon returning to the campus, the student must return to Student Health Services for necessary follow-up care and referrals.