For your convenience Student Health now has two methods you can use to request a refill of your prescription. The preferred and most convenient method for most students is requesting a refill by email. No matter which method you decide to use, we will need specific information to complete your request.  Unless you hear from us, you can assume that your refill is being processed and will be available for pick-up next business day after the request is received. Please remember that the medication dispensary is closed on weekends and holidays.

How to request a refill

Request a refill via email:

  • Go to your school email account
  • Email to: ​
  • Subject line: [secure] Prescription (Rx) Refill Requests
  • Type medication name and # of days or supply requested.
  • Request:  pick-up or place in the after hour safe.  The after hour safe is available for those who have conflicts with normal business hours.
  • Program: Medical, Physcial Therapy, Occupational Therapy, DBBS, MSIBS, PACs, Master of Population

Request a refill by calling the office:

During normal business hours Monday – Friday 8:00am – 4:00pm call 314-362-3523.

Medication emails will be checked every hour

  • If we have any discrepancies someone will be in contact
  • For medications placed in the after hour safe, payment will be required prior to placement.
  • For medications pick-up, payment will be required at that time.