Important Dental Information:

  • Every member must be assigned to one of the network dentists.  To receive benefits from the plan, you must be treated by your selected plan dentist.
  • If you do not know the dentist you currently assigned to, please call customer service at 800-380-6347 with you member id # (contact student health for this number).
  • You have the opportunity to change your assigned dentist once a month.  To search for a dentist, please go to .   You can search for a dentist by typing in your group ID 915511. Choose the plan you enrolled in from the list (Prepaid Plan- Heritage MO).
  • Once you have selected a plan dentist, please call our customer service at 800-380-6347 with your selection.  Selections must be submitted to us by the 15th of the month in order to appear on the dentist’s patient list (roster) for the first of the following month.
  • Each time you call your plan dentist to make an appointment make sure you confirm that you are on their roster.
  • Before dental services are provided, please review you copayment schedule so you will know your out-of-pocket costs for various dental services.Your dental plan is simple to use when you follow these steps:
    • Verify with your plan dentist that you are on their roster before making a dental appointment
    • call early for routine dental care for the best availability of appointment times
    • Be familiar with your copayment schedule to determine your costs for dental services.
    • Discus concerns regarding proposed treatments with your plan dentist
    • Contact customer service at 800-380-6347 for assistance or changing your plan dentist.

With the click of a mouse, you have immediate access to your plan information. To register go to and select New User.  All you need is your member ID # (contact student health service for this number), and date of birth.

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